Our mission

Ecoluxury promotes relationships between high-end hospitality entrepreneurs committed, through their business, to developing, supporting and financing projects aimed at the economic growth of their territories and the preservation of the cultural and environmental heritage that surround them.
Giving Back in Tourism
Sustainable Development Goals
Through our partnership with Green Future Project, we actively track, support, and invest in the conservation and sustainability projects of the Ecoluxury Collection. For every traveler booking through us, a percentage is reinvested into these projects, ensuring tangible, measurable impact.
This initiative is a key step in our commitment to responsible tourism—giving back to the destinations that welcome us. 
Explore the real-time impact of our efforts in the widget on the right, and discover how Ecoluxury aligns with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The Ecoluxury project aims to be present with a network of travel consultants in major cities around the world. Today Ecoluxury is present with three owned travel agencies in Italy, the Ecoluxury Travel in Rome, Milan, and Bologna, and a network of specialized agencies distributed throughout the country, the Ecoluxury Points.

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