Art Collection

Europa Meridionale e Mediterraneo | Italy | Oliena

Su Gogolone houses a rich collection of artworks created by important 20th-century Sardinian artists such as Ciusa and the Melis brothers, which furnish and embellish its rooms. The works are varied in nature, paintings and statues, ceramics and textiles, and span various eras. The initiative stems from the passion for art of Giovanna Palimodde, who was inspired by Liliana Cano for painting and Giovanni Antonio Sulas for architecture and furnishings, continuing his work of enhancing the artifacts of local craftsmanship. Sulas contributed to the realization of the restaurant founded by Giovanna's father, taking care of its architectural details, interiors and furnishings, modeled after the ancient houses of Oliena. The hotel's furnishings are the original ones from the 1930s with the apothecary's shelf, the pasta maker's cupboard, and the carpenter's table, now used to display the works of local artists, cabinetmakers, blacksmiths and potters. The project aims to make this cultural heritage available to guests and to publicize the work of these important Sardinian artists. For this purpose, the hotel has published an "Art Paths" brochure in Italian and English that allows guests to appreciate the collection on their own.

Su Gologone Experience Hotel

Su Gologone Experience Hotel, is located in Oliena in the beautiful Barbagia, a rugged and surprising land of Sardinia with the sea just a few tens of kilometres away. The hotel, with a strong culinary tradition, offers pleasant surprises in an unexpected environment, steeped in Sardinian art and traditions, where nature reigns supreme. Founded as a restaurant in 1967, it has handed down from generation to generation its love of the territory through its gastronomic offerings and 68 rooms that represent true experiences in Sardinian art, culture and hospitality. Embellished by the artistic originality of Giovanna Palimodde, Peppeddu's daughter who founded the restaurant, the rooms are different from each other and alternate in a succession of indoor and outdoor spaces that are redecorated every year. The hotel is set in a 10-hectare private park, surrounded by oleander forests and Mediterranean maquis. It has 2 restaurants serving authentic and exquisite Sardinian cuisine, 3 bars, all special, including the Magical Tablao for unforgettable aperitifs among white rocks, coloured cushions and juniper trunks. From May to September, Su Gologone provides outdoor experiential dinners with tastings of local gastronomic specialties and where ancient techniques of baking breads and spit-roasting meats are re-enacted with staff in typical Oliena costumes. The facility is completed by the Wellness & Fitness Center, a large swimming pool, tennis and miniature golf courses, and two beautiful terraces, the Terrace of Desires and the Terrace of Dreams, where guests can experience moments of great relaxation and pleasant evenings under the stars.The 6 Art Workshops, housed in the old stables, collect the best of the production of local artists and craftsmen. They are true didactic laboratories of design, ceramics, painting and embroidery where it is possible to take courses and buy 'Su Gologone Style' creations such as typical shawls, finely embroidered fabrics, iron and wooden objects and original ceramics. Su Gologone Experience Hotel offers an exceptional range of activities to do during your stay such as cooking classes and art tours and over 50 original excursions to discover the natural wonders and most authentic cultural aspects of its territory.


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