Desert Conservation Legacy

Africa | Namibia | Damaraland

The project has at his core human dignity, recovering wildlife and other conservation goals. Wilderness Hoanib Camp partners with three neighbouring conservancies enabling guests to come eye-to-eye with desert-adapted elephants, lions, hyenas and giraffes. On one side researchers study them, on the other community members benefit financially from their conservation.

Wilderness Hoanib Skeleton Coast

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Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp is located in a remote area of the Kaokoveld, with gravel-covered plains and dry river beds that attract large numbers of wildlife. Fully solar-powered, Hoanib Skeleton Coast is a joint venture with the nearby reserves of Anabeb, Torra and Sesfontein and a research camp for the study and conservation of animals that have adapted to the desert. The tented camp consists of eight large en-suite tents with bathrooms, a main area and swimming pool overlooking a wide, rugged valley that descends to the Hoanib River. Game drives explore this isolated area, travel along the riverbed’s narrow ribbon of vegetation, where a high concentration of desert-adapted wildlife can be encountered. During your stay you can reach the Skeleton Coast by car or by plane.

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