Leave no Trace

Sud America | Chile | Isola di Pasqua - Cile

Explora’s corporate commitment is running sustainable operations throughout all their hotels. They understood the fragility of the territories and decided to mange their activities responsibility following sustainable best practices. Recycling & Waste Management, Power & Water efficiency and a Non-invasive explorations are some of these best practices applied in Rapa Nui Hotel. Here Explora works with the Oritos Recycling Plant and optimizes the electric power consumption thanks to its particular architecture maximizing the use of natural light. Explora guides are also trained to lead explorations with no impact on the areas visited by tourists, in order to respect the fragility of their eco-system.

Explora Rapa Nui

With its location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and home to a culture whose origins and evolution are still largely unknown, Easter Island is an attractive and mysterious destination. Today, visitors can share experiences with the descendents of this ancient culture who preserved their ancestral customs in the face of the advancement of Western civilization. Explora Rapa Nui is located on a hill on 22 acres of land that faces the sea and boasts 30 guestrooms, a swimming pool, a massage salon and open–air jacuzzis. Guests may participate in more than 30 different explorations that are organized in small groups always accompanied by a spanish-english speaking guide. Guests can go out and explore either hiking or biking, in a van, by boat trough the ocean or combining any of these options. Routes include hikes and bicycle explorations among archaeological remains, volcanoes, beaches, prairies and cliffs, as well as snorkeling and diving activities in some of the world’s clearest waters. Every day, easy to more difficult walks are offered that, one by one, unveil the secrets and beauty of the island. These walks are combined with picnics on rocky outcrops or along the shore, always in mesmerizing sites to discover the mysteries and particular charm of Easter Island.



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