Biodegradable Products

Africa | Botswana | Riserva Moremi

Ordinary operations in the camp are geared towards being environmentally sensitive. Non-biodegradable waste is sorted, separated and sent to recycle in Maun. All biodegradable food is placed in animal and hyena proof pits, which naturally breaks down and returns to ecosystem as compost. Also all detergents, soaps and cleaning materials are biodegradable: that guarantees no harmful products enter the system.

Sanctuary Baines' Camp

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Baines’ Camp is located on the Boro river, between age-old trees and the Okavango Delta, the fourth longest river in Africa. Its area is placed on a private concession bordering the “Moremi Game Reserve”. The camp, named after the famous 19th century explorer Thomas Baines and features six luxurious suites set on elevate platforms in front of three wooden decks that offer a breathtaking view over the river and the lagoon. It's Sanctuary Retreats' most exclusive, environmentally friendly camp, completely built using commercially grown wood and recycled cans.

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