Reteti Elephant Sanctuary

Africa | Kenya | Riserva Samburu

Located in Namunyak Conservancy, in the heart of Samburu country, Reteti is a community-run organisation committed to rescuing, rehabilitating and rewilding orphaned and abandoned elephant calves. More than an orphanage, Reteti is a ‘sanctuary’ where a professional team is specialized to rescue the calves that fall into deep  holes, when their mothers are forced to abandon them to find food and water with the rest of the herd. They are fostered with the aim of releasing them back into the wild when ready. Saruni Samburu and Saruni Rhino guests can visit this nearby Sanctuary during their stay. It means to contribute for a small entrance fee to safeguard the wildlife and support the local community dedicated to protect them. Money goes directly to the project, helping to buy medicines, milk formula and bottles for feeding the animals. This conservation project in addition to increase herd reunion and maintaining wildlife levels in the northern eco-system, represents an important example of female empowerment, pioneering women elephant keepers in conservation & community-tourism.

Saruni Samburu

Saruni Samburu is located within the Kalama Community Wildlife Conservancy, a large communityowned reserve that borders the Samburu National Reserve ('SNR'). Its 6 luxurious eco-chic villas are large and spacious and offer spectacular views of the Kalama Conservancy and Mount Kenya. The lodge's swimming pools and a waterhole that attracts elephants, reticulated giraffes, zebras, oryx and other species, make the place truly special. Vast, arid, made of epic landscapes, rich in wildlife, home to some of the most authentic communities in East Africa,This area is one of Africa’s best-kept secrets. Its colours offer scenery of unparalleled beauty, where wilderness and culture make for a unique adventure. The safari experience here is exceptional and exclusive, and since the lodge is only 7 km from the border between Kalama and SNR, safaris cover both reserves. Kalama also borders Namunyak Community Conservation Trust to the north, where the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is located, and Sera Community Wildlife Conservancy to the northeast, where a number of black rhino live undisturbed. In recent years, the efforts of local communities to keep the peace, protect wildlife and natural habitats and preserve the region's diverse cultures have transformed Northern Kenya a virtuous example of sustainable tourism. A place to be visited once-in-a-lifetimes.

The daily conservation per person per night included in the rate is 116$ at Saruni Mara, Saruni Sumburu and Saruni Wild: at Saruni Rhino it is 175$ per person per night as this amount goes back to the community and the protection of the rhino in the Rhino Sanctuary.It also includes a dayli rhino tracking session

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