Botswana & Victoria Falls Ecoluxury

8 giorni

a partire da 3.900 euro

A "fly-in" safari with transfers on board single-engine aircrafts from one park to another to admire from the "sky" this magnificent territory. A comprehensive tour that, starting from Victoria Falls, goes to the Moremi Reserve through the majestic Okavango Delta and the great Chobe Park.

All ground activities are carried out with experienced rangers and overnight stays are at the facilities of the Sanctuary Retreats, high-level accommodations, built in total respect for the environment, with particular attention to the conservation of the territory and its local communities

Accommodation on Tour (or similar available)

  • Victoria Falls - Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma ECOLUXURY
  • Chobe - Sanctuary Chobe Chilwero ECOLUXURY
  • Okavango Delta - Sanctuary Stanley’s Camp ECOLUXURY
  • Moremi Reserve - Sanctuary Chiefs Camp ECOLUXURY 

Suggested Highlights

  • Helicopter flight over the falls
  • White Water Rafting
  • Interaction with elephants at Stanley Camp
  • Helicopter flight over the Delta 


Tour itinerary

Day 1 - Livingstone - Vittoria Falls

Arrival at Livingstone airport and transfer to lodge. Afternoon dedicated to the activities proposed by the lodge. Overnight. All Inclusive basis.

Day 2 - Vittoria Falls

Full day dedicated to the activities proposed by the lodge, with English speaking rangers and lodge’s vehicles. Overnight. All inclusive basis.

Day 3 - Chobe National Park

Breakfast. Overland transfer to Chobe (scheduled boat trip to cross the Zambezi river). Arrival at lodge, bordering the Chobe National Park. In the afternoon game drive by 4x4 inside the Chobe Park or cruise on the river. Overnight. All inclusive basis.

Day 4 - Chobe National Park

Full day dedicated to the activities proposed by the lodge, with english speaking rangers and lodge vehicles. Overnight. All inclusive basis.

Okavango Delta

Day 5                    Chobe National Park  - Okavango Delta

Breakfast. Transfer to Kasane airport and flight to the camp located in a private concession, bordering the Moremi Reserve. Afternoon dedicated to the activities proposed by the lodge as a game drives by 4x4 jeep, walking Safari or Mokoro Safari.  The activity “Walking with Elephants” is not included but it can be booked with a supplement. Overnight. All inclusive basis.

Day 6 - Okavango Delta

Full day dedicated to the activities proposed by the lodge. Overnight. All inclusive basis.


Day 7 - Delta dell’Okavango - Riserva Moremi

Breakfast. Transfer by flight to the camp located in the private concession of Mombo, inside the Moremi Reserve. Afternoon dedicated to the activities proposed by the lodge as a game drives by 4x4 jeep or Mokoro Safari. Overnight. All inclusive basis.

Day 8 - Moremi Reserve

Full day dedicated to the activities proposed by the lodge. Overnight. All inclusive basis.

Day 9 - Moremi Reserve - Maun

Breakfast. Transfer by flight to Maun. End of services.

Travel info


Viaggio individuale, minimo 2 partecipanti

Quota per persona a partire da € 3.900 (in camera doppia)

La quota comprende:

-          Trasferimento collettivo dall’aeroporto di Livingstone al lodge Sussi & Chuma

-          Pernottamenti nei lodge/camp indicati con i pasti inclusi

-          Le attività previste nei lodge/camp condivise con gli altri ospiti

-          Bevande ad accezione dei premium brands

-          Trasferimento privato via terra dal Sussi & Chuma al Chobe Chilwero

-          Trasferimento collettivo dal Chobe Chilwero all’aeroporto di Kasane

-          Voli da turismo della Mack Air tra i camps in Botswana (non esclusivi)

-          Assistenza di Rangers parlanti inglese durante le attività nei camps e lodges

La quota non comprende:

-          Voli aerei intercontinentali

-          Escursioni non incluse nel programma

-          Spese personali e mance

-          Visto d’ingresso (circa USD 50 per persona)

-          Tutto quanto non specificato nella voce “La quota comprende”

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